DockLink Logo

Logo Design St. Augustine

The folks at DockLink have a great idea for delivering wireless internet to marina members. To begin their marketing efforts they chose to create a logo as the basis for the brand. We were happy to help out and were successful in creating a unique icon and logotype.

Our clients say...

2006: "We spent 3 years paying a company to submit our website to search engines and during those years, we could count on 1 hand the number of phone calls we received from internet exposure. We contracted Timothy Wood Design, and Tim Wood, a designer who introduced us to the real importance of a complete website design, including a good looking, easy to use website and an accessible one. The search engines pick us up and our clients find us. Now we receive multiple calls a day from purchasers looking for signage. Thanks to Tim Wood and his knowledge and hard work, we have absolutely seen an increase in our sales due to our internet exposure."
2009: "You are our only source of marketing, we don't need anything else. What we pay you is nothing compared to what we get in return"
—Samantha Feiner, Owner, The Signworks