Ridgeview Designer Builders

Ridgeview Designer Builders

Websites give businesses the advantage of showing what they do to the rest of the world. Many photos of their work make Ridgeview Designer Builders' website a fantastic showcase of craftsmanship and design. Most of us would love to inhabit any of the houses they build. Browse the website, you will be impressed.

This site is built on Drupal 7 with a custom theme with heavy use of Views and Views Slideshow.

Our clients say...

"I have known Tim for many years, first as a colleague and then as a vendor. I have used Tim's Web design services to support projects I run for the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, and I frequently recommend GO2 Media to colleagues and friends. His work never disappoints. Tim combines out of the box thinking with a deep knowledge of the mechanics of Web design and production, which results in fresh and productive Web sites. He is easy to work with, flexible and fair--qualities you can't buy."
—Elizabeth Sparrow Tashiro, Assistant Dean, Information Technology - Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University