Green Design Expo LLC

Green Design Expo LLC is a sign of the times. For people that want to find the latest, best, and most effective solutions for green living and green building, GDE is a fantastic resource. We are definitely fans of alternative energy sources and through companies like GDE, realize how beautiful some of the green products can be. There is a great fusion of design, practicality, and consideration for the materials used.
The site is a Drupal site, of course- most of our sites now are Drupal CMS. We built in a custom region for the home page to display upcoming events that are mostly hosted in the store and occasional lectures or demonstrations in the community. We have put an E-News function in place allowing GDE staff to send out announcements easily through their site. There will be much information coming from this site so RSS feeds will serve them well as most of the staff will be blogging for the site.
The theme is actually built using actual transparent PNG files, layered to create the incredible depth of color and feeling of space. The website does achieve the primary goal, portraying the store quite accurately, as was the wish of our client. The intent was to present the company's services and products in a contemporary and intelligent light.