"We get found on the first page in Google and that brings us more travelers and visitors! We could not be happier with our website."
—Judy Butcher, Owner, Schooner's Seafood House, St. Augustine, FL
What you're missing when you design your own website.A recent trend for small businesses is designing your own website. It may seem easy and possibly even look ok when you're done but there's a lot you may not realize your missing and unaware of how it might actually work against you. The money you save by doing it yourself might be better spent hiring a professional. |
Small business brandingEven if your company or business consists of only one person—that's ok. The professional multitaskers (formerly known as Jack-of-all-trades) can now be efficient, highly productive, successful businesses. By the way, your marketplace is now global because of the Internet. No matter where you are located, whether you have a retail location, offices, or work from home, you have access to the world. It's up to you how far out you care to travel. |
How valuable is your website? |
Old fashioned meet and greetI've been out meeting business owners in the area to introduce myself and my business to the community. If you read this and have a need for our services of website design, development, logo design, or any type of visual, creative design or writing, let me know and I'll stop by. |
Website in a day |
When Should I Update My Website?I was recently at a meeting with a client and asked the question, “How often should a website be redesigned”? That’s a great question. There is no short answer except that if it is working for you—leave it alone- well, at least the part(s) that work, there is always room for improvement. Just be careful not to undo or overdo. Now, as a person that owns a company that designs websites, and re-designs websites, the answer really depends on some basics. |
Stop Adding Your Websites To Other Directory SitesOh for Pete’s sake- would you all stop adding your websites to other directory sites? Let me spell it out for you. G-O-O-G-L-E That’s it–no need to be in any others. |
A Facebook page is not a professional websiteSocial media is not magic. Facebook pages are not websites. What's the difference between facebook pages and your own website? Complete control of your content and exposure in search engines. |
Is a CMS website right for you?After designing and developing over 70 CMS websites in about eight years, we've seen how they might be a problem if left to inexperienced hands. |
SEO Success Story: 85 days to first customerIn 85 days from the time he first spoke to us, Frank Moretti received his first inquiry from a visitor that found his Landscape businesses website in a search. Mr. Moretti was a rather typical client, interested in getting a website online to begin taking advantage of the opportunity of being found in search engines. He was overwhelmed with information and a range of costs. |
Short cuts can be costlyYou get what you pay for. It applies to most situations. Remember that when looking for a designer or design company to design your next website. How long have they been in business? How many sites are in their portfolio? Do they have references? Are they TOO inexpensive? Many clients wind up coming to us after spending thousands on a website they don't like, and that doesn't work for them. |
Feeding the SEO robotsI recently read on several SEO "Experts" websites that they intend to submit their client’s websites to "hundreds" of search engines. Some say 200, some say 400. So I ask the question, does anyone know more than three or four search engines? Probably not, so what is the sense of continuing the practice of submitting to hundreds of search engines? Please let me know, I don't have an answer. |
Look 30 Years Younger in Seconds!Here's a foolproof tip on how to take years off your "look"- and it is so simple. It doesn't cost a thing. There are no dangerous side effects. No recovery time. No pills or creams. Here it is... Ready? STOP adding two spaces after each sentence when you type! You are not only adding an unnecessary keystroke, you are dating yourself by about 30 years. |
A Great Tool for Anyone Using A ComputerI’m going to reveal one of the best tools found on all computers that most people don’t even know about. It’s efficient, it’s simple, it’s incredibly useful. I won’t ask if you’ve guessed it yet because 95% of you probably won’t. We call it “the screen grab”. It’s also known as Print Screen. |
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